Wednesday 30 July 2014


So the new craze is Loom bands...and it has found me.

These cute bracelets have come into fashion. With endless possibilities of  creations, no wonder they are the new craze. Even Kate Middleton/Duchess of Cambridge is wearing them. Above me and my sister have created simple single bracelets. Unfortunately i do not own a loom so i cant do much :( they are still fun to make though. And guess what else i am getting...anybody remember scoobie doos? Not the dog...the plastic string that you could make tonnes of things from inc bracelets, key chains etc.

Are you enjoying the craze?

Wednesday 23 July 2014

General Blog

Hey guys,

I have created a general blog to run along side this one which will be me talking about stuff that is going on in my life, my opinions, gaming, tv programs, random stories which are extremely cringey (There will be a lot of these as I'm prone to cringey events) etc etc. It will be a page where you get to know me as a person.

I would love it if you guys checked it out:

Thanks Sweeties!

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Envy (*)

Hey guys,

Quick post to tell you all about this awesome brand called Envy. They sell amazing products which have an alternative twist to them and have even been worn by YouTuber - Jason Viohni (VeeOneEye). For those of you who are fans of his you could actually own the same shirt!...well not the exact same shirt...that would be abit creepy...dont go stealing shirts now people! But anyway here are an example of their products and links to their social media sites below. Get shopping ;).




