Tuesday 11 November 2014

Goodbye RachellaBlogs!

Wait! Don't worry! I'm not leaving completely.

So after consideration I have decided to change my blog, I no longer want to be known as 'RachellaBlogs' purely because I feel as if it takes away my individuality. Although Rachella is a name my friends genuinely call me I feel the blog name 'RachellaBlogs' is too similar to 'Zoella', Despite having no intention on making the similarity to her name I feel as if the similarity is there. I do not wish to have any sign of 'copying' her so with that i am stopping writing 'RachellaBlogs'. However I have now created a new blog called 'RachelNicoleM' which will give me my own individuality as a blogger. It will also allow me to start again from a more professional side of things...this means better quality posts including better quality pictures! I will also be able to take a more lifestyle view on the blog which i felt had been lost, as well as incorporating a lot more.


I really hope you guys stick with me on this change, and those who don't, thank you for being apart of my first steps to blogging. It means alot!

To go to the new blog click here -----> (RachelNicoleM)


Sunday 9 November 2014

Dare to Bare

It's all good and well for fashion and beauty bloggers to promote make up and telling you looks you can try and what products are the best however in this society we need more concern out there about the effect makeup is taking over girls.

The other day i came across this photo above. What does it suggest to you? To me it is a representation of girls and woman in today's society. We feel we must plaster on makeup to look attractive and without it we just feel bare and ugly. You get girls wearing makeup at such a young age. I started wearing it in year 8 but there was even girls plastering it on before that. Once i got in the habit of wearing makeup i felt as if i couldnt not wear it. Applying it on days that i wouldnt leave the house. It was even rare for my family to see me without it. To me it became my mask. Without it i felt ugly and would hide away...is this really what we want of girls in today's society? To be un able to be comfortable in their own skin?

We'll i say dare to bare. What happened to natural beauty? Why show people what you can look like with makeup on 24/7 if you can show them what YOU look like?

I am no longer afraid of people seeing me makeupless...what even is that? To be scared of someone seeing the real you? Is that really worth being scared over? Why not rock both looks? I love experiementing with makeup looks, and i will continue to but i also love the days where i bare my face and be natural and confident. 

So don't be afraid to be makeupless, it doesn't make you any less beautiful. Its time to be confident with and without makeup. 
