Friday 30 May 2014

VHS Memories

So i have made a discovery and i couldn't help but share it with you guys also it promoted me to feel rather reflective so thus this post was created.
My discovery was my favourite VHS from my childhood. For those of you who are 90's kids you may remember this:

Barbie and the Rockers - Out of this World:

Wednesday 28 May 2014

London May Comic Con MCM 2014

This year I decided to attend the May London Comic Con MCM 2014 going both Saturday and Sunday. For those of you who don't know what London Comic Con MCM is, it is an exhibition full of geeks in cosplay buying merchandise, testing out games, meeting celebs, meeting youtubers and much more. But nothing I can say compares to the experience so I have created this video of the two days combined into 1. It was so awkward to film and I got some weird looks but its worth it. Maybe I should start vlogging? But anyway, Enjoy!.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Hair Tips | Make Your Hair Grow Faster!

So i'm creating a new section called 'Hair Tips'. The section was originally going to be posted every Tuesday but i found that i would fast run out of ideas to post about. Always a problem. So instead there will be Hair Tips posted now and again on the blog. Look out for them. But lets get on with's my first 'Hair Tips' Post:

How to get your hair to grow faster?

I always have people say to me that they love my hair due to it length. My hair has always been long except the two times I decided I would have it cut above my chest height. It grows at a natural rate however after a dodgey hair cut, leaving me with terrible layers and it being rather short I wanted my hair to grow as fast as possible. This lead me to google, surprise surprise, where i came across this tip:

'Brushing your hair over your head stimulates the roots and promotes growth.'

Now i was curious of this as how can brushing your hair over your head make much difference? But after trying it i actually believe it works! My hair in january used to be chest height however now it is at my waist...thats 5 months growth. I no longer have extreamly dodgy layers and my hair is back to how i like it. So i recommend this tip greatly, there is no harm in trying it so why not give it a go ey?

 I hope this post has helped some of you guys. Look out for my next 'Hair Tips Tuesday' post that will be up next week, I will be explaining how you can get a perfect top knot :).

Thanks for reading my sweeties xox